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“स्वयं बनें गोपाल” समूह के बारे में हिंदी में जानने के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें

treatment in hindi diagnosis ayurveda herbal yoga pranayama asana jadi buti naturopathy medicines causes symptoms hiv 1 2 spread cure prevention yogasana veda mantra tantra yantra

Dear Visitors from overseas,

Greeting from our India based organization named “Svyam Bane Gopal” and thanks for showing interest in our website.

We would like to inform that “Svyam Bane Gopal” is a group of dedicated volunteers registered with Indian Government, primarily located in Lucknow City, Uttar Pradesh State, India.

Several philanthropic works & inventions (which are unique & excessive useful) of our organization are globally appreciated & recognized (our organization is also Partner, Member & Stakeholder of many United Nations’ ventures). For knowing more details about our organization, please read various articles of our website which has the readership from 6041 cities of 188 countries of the world (and approx. 260000 followers on Facebook) Or please read following details (which has short introduction of different works of our organization in English language)-

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is partner of “Global Soil Partnership” which is initiative of “The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)”. FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on the website of this partnership, please click on this link- http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/partners/gsp-partners/en/

“Global Soil Partnership” has other partners like- European Commission (https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en), International Atomic Energy Agency (https://www.iaea.org/), European Environment Agency (https://www.eea.europa.eu/), Cornell University (https://www.cornell.edu/), Colorado State University (https://www.colostate.edu/), Cranfield University (https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/), Ohio State University (https://www.osu.edu/), The University of Queensland (https://www.uq.edu.au/), University of Melbourne (https://www.unimelb.edu.au/) etc.

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is also partner of world famous “United Nations Foundation” initiative “Clean Cooking Alliance” which is guided by a Leadership Council composed of Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Mr. António Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations), Award-winning Actress Julia Roberts etc. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on the website of this initiative, please click on this link- https://www.cleancookingalliance.org/partners/item/999/3349

UNESCO’s venture Ocean Expert ( https://oceanexpert.org/) has accepted “Svyam Bane Gopal” and for watching it please click on this link- Svyam Bane Gopal . Except “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization, there are 356 more Indian organizations are accepted by this venture, which can be seen by clicking this link- Institutions in India Or name of some these Indian organizations could also be seen as follows-

• Ministry of Home Affairs ( https://www.mha.gov.in/en )

• Ministry of Finance ( https://finmin.nic.in/)

• Ministry of Earth Sciences ( https://www.moes.gov.in/)

• Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ( https://www.barc.gov.in/)

• Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research ( https://www.igcar.gov.in/)


• ISRO ( https://www.iirs.gov.in/)

• Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology ( https://www.iist.ac.in/aboutus/institute)

• India Meteorological Department ( https://imdpune.gov.in/)

• Directorate General of Shipping ( https://dgshipping.gov.in/)

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“Svyam Bane Gopal” was also Partner of “2020 International Children Film Festival Takorama” which was organized by partnership of United Nations’ agencies- ONUDC (https://www.unodc.org), GAPMIL (https://en.unesco.org/themes/media-and-information-literacy/gapmil), National French commission of UNESCO (https://unesco.delegfrance.org/-Commission-Francaise-pour-l-UNESCO) and support of Government of France. For knowing more details about this initiative, please open this link- https://www.takorama.org/about

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is a Member of “Women In Films And Media Group” which is created by United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNSRC) Multimedia to promote gender equality in the film industry and to build a platform for female workers in films to communicate, support each other, share information and resources. This group has 81 Members . For knowing more information about Women in Films Forum please click on this link- http://webtv.un.org/search/women-in-films-forum-csw62-side-event/5983669526001/?term=2018-03-14&sort=date

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is also partner of world famous network “Regeneration International” which promote, facilitate and accelerate the global transition to regenerative food, farming and land management for the purpose of restoring climate stability, ending world hunger and rebuilding deteriorated social, ecological and economic systems. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on the website of this network, please click on this link- https://regenerationinternational.org/our-network/

“Regeneration International” has other prominent partners like- UN Food and Agriculture Organization-Italy (http://www.fao.org/family-farming/home/en/), “Environmental Education Media Project” (http://eempc.org/partners-sponsors/), “Millennium Institute” (https://www.millennium-institute.org/partners) etc.

United Nations FAO IAEA ICAO IFAD ILO IMO IMF ITU UNESCO UPU WBG WIPO WMO UNWTO UNODC WHO UNHCR newyork headquarters geneva head office WFP UNIDO UNOCHA UNOOSA UNODAHollywood super star Leonardo DiCaprio’s organization “Earth Alliance” also appreciated work of “Svyam Bane Gopal”. Earth Alliance acclaimed about “Svyam Bane Gopal” that;- “We are grateful for your passion, and encourage you to continue to support our shared goal of a more sustainable planet”. Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous environmental volunteer of the world and his several philanthropic works could be seen by clicking following Facebook & YouTube links-





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“Svyam Bane Gopal” is Member of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on the website of this UNESCO Alliance, please click on this link- https://en.unesco.org/themes/media-and-information-literacy/gapmil/members . Including “Svyam Bane Gopal” approx. 500 other organizations are members of this alliance and the name of few other members are-

• European Commission – DG for Education and Culture (https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/education-youth-sport-and-culture_en)

• Irish Film Institute (https://ifi.ie/ )

• Bradford City of Film (https://www.bradford-city-of-film.com/ )

• Michigan State University (https://msu.edu/)

• London College of Communication (https://www.arts.ac.uk/colleges/london-college-of-communication )

• Lakehead University (https://www.lakeheadu.ca/ )

• University of Helsinki (https://www.helsinki.fi/en)

• University of Bremen (https://www.uni-bremen.de/)

• Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (https://home.iitd.ac.in/)

• University of Amsterdam (https://www.uva.nl/en?cb)


Our President Mr. Parimal Parashar also acted as a National Focal Point in formation of “The SLOCAT Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report – 2nd edition” which is developed by the help of many United Nations agencies and other world famous organizations; for details please open this link– https://tcc-gsr.com/preface/acknowledgements/

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres formed a High Level Expert Group which consulted 500 organizations of the world for making report on net zero emissions commitments (For watching that report please click on this link- REPORT FROM THE UNITED NATIONS’ HIGH-LEVEL EXPERT GROUP ON THE NET ZERO EMISSIONS COMMITMENTS OF NON-STATE ENTITIES.

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And for knowing the names of those organizations which participated in making of this net zero emissions report you can click on this link- List of Stakeholders Consulted. Along with our “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group, following organizations also participated in making of this report-

• New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (https://www.dec.ny.gov/)

• Ministry of Environment, Japan (https://www.env.go.jp/en/)

• World Economic Forum (https://www.weforum.org/)

• Harvard University (https://www.harvard.edu/)

• Oxford University (https://www.ox.ac.uk/)

• Microsoft (https://www.microsoft.com/en-in)

• Bank of America (https://www.bankofamerica.com/)

• South Africa Presidential Climate Commission Government (https://www.climatecommission.org.za/)

• World Bank (https://www.worldbank.org/en/home)

• Infosys (https://www.infosys.com/)

• City of Miami (https://www.miamigov.com/Home)

• The Economic Times (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/defaultinterstitial.cmshttps://www.adityabirla.com/)

• City of Vancouver (https://vancouver.ca/)

• Columbia University ( https://www.columbia.edu/)

• University of California (https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/)

• Yale University (https://www.yale.edu/)

You may also see a crucial report which is prepared by United Nations Food Systems Coordination Hub (https://www.unfoodsystemshub.org/en) for transformation of food systems with the help of its Stakeholders organizations’ approx. 125 experts, by clicking on this link- UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment; Stakeholders’ Contribution Document

In above report name of our volunteer Doctor Kislaya Upadhyay (who is also Chief Patron of our organization “Svyam Bane Gopal”) is mentioned along with other 125 stake holder organizations’ experts names. Few of them stakeholder organizations name you may also see in following lists-

• National Commission for UNESCO (https://en.unesco.org/countries/national-commissions)

• World Food Forum, Italy (https://worldfoodforum.eu/)

• WWF (https://www.worldwildlife.org/)

• SEIWA LTD (https://www.seiwa.co.jp/en/company/outline.html)

• University of Debrecen (https://www.edu.unideb.hu/)

• SDSN Switzerland (https://sdsn.ch/en/members-and-partners/)

• International Fertilizer Association (https://www.fertilizer.org/about-ifa/structure-governance/our-board/)

• Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (https://www.gainhealth.org/)

• Rabo Bank (https://www.rabobank.com/en/home/index.html)

• University of Arizona, Saudi Arabia (https://saudiarabia.asu.edu/)

• Meiji Holdings Co. Ltd (https://www.meiji.com/global/about-meiji/at-a-glance.html)

• World Business Council for Sustainable Development (“ https://www.wbcsd.org/)

United Nations ventures “SDG Academy” (https://sdgacademy.org/) has followed “Svyam Bane Gopal” on Twitter. SDG Academy has followed all those personalities and organizations on Twitter, who have remarkable popularity in the field of education and information in the world.

USA Government’s organization USAID (https://www.usaid.gov/) appreciated work of “Svyam Bane Gopal”. Senior Partnerships Advisor of USAID also acclaimed about “Svyam Bane Gopal” that;- “Thank you also for your efforts to make the world a better place”.

Since December 2019, “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization was Partner of United Nations initiative “UNFCCC NAIROBI WORK PROGRAMME”, and from Feb 2021, “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization is associated as an individual organization with “UNFCCC NAIROBI WORK PROGRAMME”. For knowing details about this initiative, please click on this link- https://unfccc.int/topics/adaptation-and-resilience/workstreams/nairobi-work-programme-on-impacts-vulnerability-and-adaptation-to-climate-change#eq-4

Name of few partner organizations of this initiative (UNFCCC NWP) are-


• UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR OUTERSPACE AFFAIRS (http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/),

• WORLD BANK (http://www.worldbank.org/),

• MICROSOFT (http://www.microsoft.com),

• OXFORD UNIVERSITY (http://www.ouce.ox.ac.uk/),


• BBC MEDIA ACTION (http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction),

Water & other essential environmental factors conservation related works of “Svyam Bane Gopal” has been published by “Water Action Hub” which is a venture of United Nations Global Compact (CEO Water Mandate). For watching our project in the website of “Water Action Hub” please click on this link- https://wateractionhub.org/projects/727/d/save-our-planet/#project_overview .

Our this initiative has been published by FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization; which is a specialized agency of the United Nations) on World Soil Day (5th December 2019). For watching our initiative in the website of FAO, please click on this link- http://www.fao.org/world-soil-day/worldwide-events/en/

Our this initiative has been published on “World Wildlife Day” (3 March 2020 Events). United Nations General Assembly designated the CITES Secretariat as the facilitator for the global observance of this special day for wildlife on the UN calendar. World Wildlife Day has now become the most important global annual event dedicated to wildlife. For watching our initiative in the website managed by CITES Secretariat, please click on this link- https://www.wildlifeday.org/content/events

Our this initiative has been published by United Nations Water website on “World Water Day” (22 March 2020) which is about water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked. For watching our initiative in the website of UN-Water, please click on this link- https://www.worldwaterday.org/event/save-our-planet/

Our this initiative has been published by “Global Water Partnership”- https://www.gwp.org/es/agentes-de-cambio-por-el-agua/presentaciones-elegibles/

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is Stakeholder in the globally renowned organization IPBES (The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Which is very prominent venture of United Nations; For details please see- https://ipbes.net/users/parimal-parashar).

The procedures for the preparation of IPBES deliverables invites relevant stakeholders (qualified national, regional and international scientific organizations, centres of excellence and institutions known for their work and expertise), to present candidates in response to calls for the nomination of experts to prepare IPBES deliverables – Organization Focal Points | IPBES secretariat

The President of “Svyam Bane Gopal” (Mr. Parimal Parashar) is also Member of “Global Climate Action Partnership” (https://globalclimateactionpartnership.org/). For knowing more about governing body & other members of “Global Climate Action Partnership”, please click on this link- https://globalclimateactionpartnership.org/steering-committee/.

“Svyam Bane Gopal” group is one of the proud associate of “Volunteer Groups Alliance” which is a global coalition of organisations that contribute to sustainable development through volunteering. For details please see- https://forum-ids.org/about/vga/

The “Volunteer Groups Alliance” came together in 2013 following a “United Nations Volunteers” programme (UNV) stakeholder meeting. UNV supports the Volunteer Groups Alliance, facilitating engagement to help ensure the importance of volunteerism is recognised in the implementation of the SDGs.

Currently along with “Svyam Bane Gopal”, 64 other International organizations are associated with the “Volunteer Groups Alliance”. Some of these organizations are- United Nations Volunteers (https://www.unv.org/), Peace Corps (https://www.peacecorps.gov/), British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (https://www.bccic.ca/), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (https://media.ifrc.org/ifrc), Volunteering Victoria (https://www.volunteeringvictoria.org.au/) etc.

“Svyam Bane Gopal” is one of the member organization of The “Major Group of Children and Youth to UN Environment” (UNEP-MGCY) which is also known as “Global Constituency of Youth for Environment” (GCYE). UNEP-MGCY/ GCYE has the role of the official youth engagement mechanism of UNEP, therefore, acts as the official group for youth in the negotiations of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) and in any other processes and activities of UNEP. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on the website of this initiative, please click on this link- https://www.youthenvironment.org/member-organisations

Currently along with “Svyam Bane Gopal”, approx. 250 other organizations are associated with the “UNEP-MGCY”. Some of these organizations are- Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (https://thecommonwealth.org/commonwealth-youth-climate-change-network), The European Law Students’s Association (https://elsa.org/), Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability (https://www.jyps.website/), Sustainable Ocean Alliance (https://www.soalliance.org/), World Distribution Federation (http://www.w-df.org/main#) etc.

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“Svyam Bane Gopal” is also one of the member of “Grassroots Justice Network” which advance justice by equipping people to know, use, and shape the laws that affect them. For watching “Svyam Bane Gopal” profile on its website, please click on this link- Svyam Bane Gopal

Mr. Parimal Parashar (President of “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization) has been invited many years in General Assembly of United Nations and many other global meetings, like- please open this link of 2022 Annual Meeting organized by World Bank & IMF in which name of Mr Parimal Parashar is mentioned out of approx. 40 Indians Civil Society leaders- https://www.worldbank.org/content/dam/meetings/external/annualmeeting-1/Participant%20List%20AM22.pdf

in 2020, HIS EXCELLENCY MR. TIJJANI BANDE (President of the United Nations General Assembly) has invited. Our President Mr. Parimal Parashar in United Nations Youth Plenary and ECOSOC Youth Forum by sending his signed invitation letter in which it is written,- “We have the honour to invite you to attend the United Nations Youth Plenary” . General Assembly decide budget of United Nations and for knowing more about its work please see following videos-




“UNESCO” (www.unesco.org) has published our “Global Media and Information Literacy Week” related event named “Make Yourself Gopal” on its website. Our this event was one of those around 200 world level events which got the privilege to be published on website of “UNESCO”, which can be viewed by clicking this link- https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/globalmilweek/2019/aroundtheworld

Philanthropic movement of “Svyam Bane Gopal” for improving living conditions (especially poor’s) and moral values of people “Who We Are” has been also published by “United Nations” organizations’ “U N Water” website on “World Toilet Day” (19 Nov 2019). World Toilet Day was made an official UN day in 2013. For details please click on this link- https://www.worldtoiletday.info/event/who-we-are/

Our this very important initiative and event has also been published by the “Empower Women” global movement” (www.EmpowerWomen.org) which is a venture of “United Nations Women”. Our this event was one of those around 565 world famous events which got the privilege to be published on world famous website of “Empower Women” (in last 7 years), which can be viewed by clicking this link- https://www.empowerwomen.org/en/community/events-opportunities/2019/07/who-we-are

Our this initiative and event has also been published by “GLOBAL 16 DAYS CAMPAIGN” which was launched in 1991 and continues to be coordinated by the “Center for Women’s Global Leadership” (CWGL). Running each year from November 25th (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to December 10th (International Human Rights Day), the 16-Day period reinforces the recognition of violence against women as a human rights violation, which can be viewed by clicking on this link- https://16dayscampaign.org/event/who-we-are/

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United Nations’ organization named UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) has published about us on its website which can be viewed by clicking on this link- https://www.unwto.org/node/11387

Our organization “Svyam Bane Gopal” has been registered with “Asian Development Bank” (www.adb.org) as a Consulting Firm. This Bank is working since last 60 years and Governments of 68 countries (including India) are associated with this Bank as a Member. This Bank had a total transaction volume of more than 35 Billion US Dollars in 2018.

Svyam Bane Gopal’s health movement for “RAISING GLOBAL AWARENESS FOR HEALTH by informing the public about the various causes, symptoms and treatments which may generally affect health” has been published on “Universal Health Coverage Day” (12 December). For details please click on this link- https://universalhealthcoverageday.org/blog/2019/12/12/svyam-bane-gopal/

“Universal Health Coverage Day” is the annual rallying point for the growing movement for health for all. It marks the anniversary of the United Nations’ historic and unanimous endorsement of universal health coverage in 2012.

Svyam Bane Gopal’s another philanthropic health movement for “RAISING GLOBAL AWARENESS OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS by informing the public about the causes, symptoms and treatments associated with the condition” has been acknowledged and published by “The International Diabetes Federation” (IDF) on World Diabetes Day (14 Nov 2019). For details please click on this link- https://www.idf.org/wdd-events/

“The International Diabetes Federation” (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories. IDF represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. This Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950.

Organizational profile of “Svyam Bane Gopal” is also mentioned by “Mental Health Innovation Network” (https://www.mhinnovation.net/). Which is a community of mental health innovators – researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, service user advocates, and donors from around the world – sharing innovative resources and ideas to promote mental health and improve the lives of people with mental, neurological and substance use disorders. For more information, please click on this link- https://www.mhinnovation.net/organisations/svyam-bane-gopal

For knowing more details about “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization, please visit the articles of our this website. Our website has more than 1000 articles based on different essential aspects of human life. Presently most of the articles of our website are published in Hindi Language and few of the articles are published in English Language.

Information mentioned in our articles are very authentic that’s why many higher authorities give references of our website for various useful purposes, like- “Svyam Bane Gopal” is one of the health organization (including some other world famous Yoga endeavours like- “Art of living” of “Shri Shri Ravi Shankar”, “Illustrated Light on Yoga” of “Shri B.K. S. Iyengar”, “Isha Yoga” of “Shri Jaggi Vasudev”) which contributed for the health related content in the book “Yoga Shiksha” published by Himanchal Pradesh State Government (of India) in 2016 (For details, please see- https://rmsahimachal.nic.in/Docs/Final%20Yoga%20Module%2021-11-2016.pdf).

World famous health website “Symptoma” uses our website information for their patients. Actually Symptoma is a digital health assistant and today, Symptoma is the most used symptom checker worldwide among both doctors and patients with millions of users and searches per month. Its diagnostic accuracy is raising the bar in its industry and has been validated in internal, external, and peer-reviewed scientific publications comparing up to 107 symptom checkers worldwide where Symptoma clearly ranked as #1. Symptoma’s founder, has been invited to speak in the European Parliament (in 2017) and in the German Bundestag (in 2019) about Symptoma. For knowing details please open this link- https://www.symptoma.in/hi/ddx/back-pain+cough+headache).

Our website reference is also given in International book “Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs”. which is published by German National Library (in German: Deutsche National Bibliothek) and it comprises materials of international conference on Hindi studies which is organized by Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy of India in Paris (France). This book can be viewed on line by clicking this link- https://books.google.co.in/books?id=HItuDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA277&lpg=PA277&dq=%22svyambanegopal%22&source=bl&ots=82yOJCvN78&sig=ACfU3U2zQKOubS9zIS3TvD-L1c7HpOmGGQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX0vz2-67oAhUt8HMBHWzSCbM4FBDoATAIegQIChAB#v=onepage&q&f=false

For our one of the environmental project (named “Save Our Planet”), President of “Svyam Bane Gopal”, has been awarded as “World Environment Day Hero” by United Nations Environment (www.worldenvironmentday.global). For details please click on this link- https://www.svyambanegopal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/World-Environment-Day-Hero-Parimal-Parashar-certificate-by-United-Nations-Environment.pdf

Actually in short “Svyam Bane Gopal” is an organization, an endeavour to uplevel the mental and the physical health of the society.

We would like to inform that we have a highly skilled team with expertise on various essential aspects of human life. The way “Shri Gopal” devoted His whole life to exterminate the sufferings of the agonized world, we, the humble volunteers, following His footprints of serving everyone and working for everyone’s good, endeavour to be as much helpful as possible to imbue the soothing colors of peace and placidity in a crestfallen, dejected society, inflicted with depravities.

Why our organization name is “Svyam Bane Gopal” because in Hindi language the meaning of “Svyam Bane Gopal” is- “Make Yourself Gopal”. Actually Lord Gopal was the greatest philanthropist on earth (in ancient most era) who served countless no of poor people in his life. So our volunteers try to convince, inspire & motivate people in such a way that most of the time, people become eager to serve society in all appropriate way and also people try their best to make themselves to be free from all such those bad habits & weaknesses which usually remain reasons behind their problems.

And also for reading further articles related to ancient Indian science (like- ancient Vimanas, Mysteries of the Space – Universe, Yoga, Pranayama, Naturopathy, Vedas, Puranas etc.) in English language, you are welcome to visit our Website, Facebook and Twitter page.

At last we request to the whole world to adopt vegetarianism in all sense and to discourage the cruelty against any creature so that the divine peace and love can be raised inside every one which’ll be pleasantly instrumental to reduce all kind of enmity and violence scattered everywhere in the World !

Thanks & Regards,

“Svyam Bane Gopal” Organization, near Golf City, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Email– svyambanegopal[at]gmail[dot]com

Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/Svyam-Bane-Gopal-580427808717105/

X (Twitter)- https://twitter.com/svyambanegopal

YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-L38VCSKf9UeR0IXD8dkA

App- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sbg.svyambanegopal

“स्वयं बनें गोपाल” समूह के बारे में हिंदी में जानने के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें